Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holidays are over and we made it through!

We just made it through out first holiday season of having food allergies.  I was so worried that every place we went I would have to follow my son around everywhere. I couldn't take the chance on him ingesting food he was allergic to or coming in contact with a child who just gobbled down a peanut butter cookie.  I didn't want him to feel left out at my inlaws house, so I baked him a few different safe cookies and brought a plate with us. My inlaws are great about his allergies, so they had plain foods set aside for him. He had green beans, applesauce and yogurt. Perfect for my little man. The other part of our holiday was here at home, so that was comfortable for everyone. I baked lots of safe treats. The only scarry encounter that we had was an event in which there were multiple bowls of peanuts on the counters and tables. I know that I can't expect everyone to always put his allergies first and remember them, since it's still new to us.  I think they noticed my fear of him touching anything there, so they were put up shortly after we arrived. Of course there will always be tables of foods and drinks that are not safe for him and he will need to learn to ask before he eats ANYTHING!!  I know it will get harder as he gets older and wants to try all the yummy treats, but for now we made it through!!
